
Yoga Class Pricing

☻1st class is free, if first-time student registering for any series (you must mention this promotion to your teacher at your first class).
☻ If it is your first time to this class, we ask you to email us in advance.
☻ Please ask about financial assistance

Single drop-in: $18

4 classes (4 wks. expiration):   $55
8 classes (8 wks. expiration):    $98

8 classes (4 wks. expiration):     $75
16 classes (8 wks. expiration): $135

12 classes (4 wks. expiration):  $95

flexible plans:
4 classes (3-mo. expiration):    $60
8 classes (5-mo. expiration):  $115

Yoga Nidra Class Pricing

  • Yoga Nidra classes are by registration, and full 8-wk. series, only 
  •  Please email us to register in advance

8-week series = $125-160  

One-on-One Sessions*
*std. session length is 90 mins.